Chris Rice Cooper
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Watch the FIRE SEASON book trailer by clicking on the link below in blue :
Chris Rice Cooper on
Hollye Dexter’s Memoir Fire Season
“The Mustard Seed of Victory”
came to
the realization that she had been living a depressed and defeated life since
November 18, 1994.
For years
I couldn’t talk about the fire. I couldn’t allow myself to look back at how I
came so close to losing my children. I also didn’t want to remember how I came
so close to losing my mind. But it was a grey cloud following me through life,
never letting me sleep through the night, never letting me go.” right who gave
Hollye a sound piece of advice: Hollye’s
only escape and only effective therapy was to write about her deep painful
experiences and memories; and so Hollye Dexter began writing Fire
“What I learned in the grueling process
of writing and reflecting was that though yes, I was an emotional disaster, I
also fought harder than I ever knew I could to find something to believe in
again. Faith is hard earned and, like a beating heart, is a muscle that must be
worked. I worked to find mine so that my children would not grow up in a
hopeless world.
Instead of
focusing on the loss, I focused on the hope that can be found in the most
disastrous of circumstances — like the kindness of others who came to lift us
back on our feet. Above right. I found, while bankrupt and destitute, we still had our
ability to dream, to love, to create, to hope and to remember. And in writing,
I discovered that though we had lost everything, on a deeper level we really
hadn’t lost anything. These are the jewels we unearth when excavating our
complicated histories.”
wrote while my youngest was in school. I
was very disciplined about it.”
And discipline in writing was something Hollye practiced since
she was a little girl: “I’ve kept a diary since I was in the second
In 2013 Fire
Season was completed and the next step was the publishing process,
which proved to be almost as arduous as writing the book itself.
“In the
three years it took me to write the first draft of Fire Season, the publishing industry had completely changed. So I
sat on the book, and hemmed and hawed for over a year, deciding what direction
to take. I attended conferences, lectures, read books about it, asked the
counsel of my friends. I did send it out to about a dozen or so agents and
publishers and though I got good feedback and had a good track record with my
first book Dancing At the Shame Prom
with Seal Press, I kept getting the response that they just couldn't take the
financial risk with an “unknown” memoirist.
Because my
stories are the only thing of true value that I own, I decided I had to move
forward in a way that felt right to me, and that meant having more control over
this book’s destiny. Time and again, friends had recommended Brooke Warner’s above right new hybrid publishing option, She Writes
Press, and because I have deep respect for and trust in Brooke after publishing
Dancing At the Shame Prom with her
at Seal, I finally committed. She Writes gave me all the perks of traditional
publishing, but more creative and financial control.”
On October 14, 2015 She
Write Press published the memoir Fire
Season My Journey From Ruin to Redemption written by Hollye Dexter with jacket cover art
by Stacey Aaronson
Hollye Dexter is on her second marriage with the
love of her life Troy Dexter. At the
time the couple shares two children – Cissy, age 8, Hollye’s daughter from her
first marriage, and their son Taylor, age 4. is a successful Los
Angeles based musician. Along with their
variety of pets, the family of four are happy and joyful in their beloved
rented home partially situation in a Los Angeles cliff. Above right Troy and Hollye a few weeks before the fire.
shadowing in Hollye’s soul – she doesn’t know why she is feeling this or
where it’s coming from so she pushes it aside.
She drops her daughter Cissy off at her biological father’s house for
the weekend and then heads back home. The foreshadowing continues and in the middle of
the night she senses a voice telling her to go check on the baby; and gets up
from her own bed and lays in bed with her four year old son Taylor. She awakens to her Troy’s panicked voice and
to the blazes of fire.
Fire behind me, a thirty-foot drop to
concrete below.
Troy shouts from our bedroom window, “Hold on!
I’m coming – I’m gonna jump.”
Following his words is the loud thwack of his body, the sickening sound
of bones against cement. I scream his
name over and over but he doesn’t respond.
I start to cry but there is no time for panic.
Taylor and I hang out the window,
engulfed in smoke, suffocating. I lower
him as far as my arms will stretch so he can breathe. I hold only his tiny hands, his body dangling
midair. I am in the center of the
firestorm. Above right a thank you card Taylor wrote to his mom Hollye.
husband, wearing thigh-high fishing boots, dug through piles of rubble
four-feet deep and pulled out small blackened squares. They looked like
charcoal briquets, but they turned out to be my childhood diaries – one of them
used to have a Holly Hobbie cover and a little gold key attached.”
mementoes are discovered which gives Troy and Hollye reason to feel hopeful. There, in vivid color, is a photo of me and Troy on
our wedding day. The edges are singed,
the colors running together. Like us,
our wedding album is damaged, but it survived.
I smile and wrap my arms around him happy tears in my eyes. Of all the things to be saved from the
ashes. Is this a random
coincidence? I take it as a sign.
Soon Hollye realizes it is more than just one
fire but many fires that traumatized her throughout her life. The physical fire that November night was
just the tip of the ice burg. And the
ice burg is massive in titanic proportions.
Hollye has to deal with the traumatic
events in her childhood concerning her mother, her suicidal brother, the
disturbing truth about her father whom she was led to believe was dead,
incidences of violence that happened to her as a child and that she witnessed
as a child, and the rejection from Troy’s family. The two pictures above are of Hollye and Troy inside their burnt home. December of 1994

May 13, 1995
I tried to throw myself from the car today. I didn’t care anymore what happened to
me. I wanted to hurt myself. Troy grabbed me by the hair and yanked me back. I lost a lot of hair, but now I see how
drastic a situation this is. I called
the psychologist who helped me after the fire.
I am going to see him tomorrow.
New fires are started when they are conned by a supposedly
reputable man in the music business, betrayed by close friends, and betrayed by
Hollye’s business partner. The couple is
forced to lose the next two homes they reside in – one due to the owners going
through a nasty divorce and not placing the rent money toward the mortgage; the
other due to the owner not abiding by the rent-to-own legal contract between
them. As a result they lose thousands
and thousands of dollars and have no choice but to file for bankruptcy.
Everything I once felt certain of is shaken loose like soil from the roots
of an upturned tree, leaving me raw, exposed.
I have to find a way of taking root within myself.

I pace the house for hours like the night watchman,
my anxiety never letting me rest. I lie
awake thinking about our dogs and cats – trying to remember how their fur felt
the last time they slept with me in bed.
I wonder if I made the right decision in letting my business go. I pray that if I dare fall asleep, God will
protect my children. But I don’t trust
God. Above right is an image Taylor drew about the fire; and Taylor himself in December of 1994.

But these are only happy little breadcrumbs in a life of many fires and soon their marriage is tested; and Holly finds herself at her breaking point in a field of mustard flowers, praying to a God she doesn’t even know exists.
I wander into a wide-open field, with yellow
mustard flowers growing waist high. At
the center of it I plunk down, where no one can see or hear me, and I wail with
grief. . . .
I feel all the color drain from my face
and from my life as I come to the realization that my marriage is failing. Since I’m already on my knees, with nothing
else to lose, I pray . .

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