Chris Rice Cooper
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**The links along with the names of the persons/organizations are at the end of the
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*In 1976, Social Activist and Photographer Jeri
Rogers was the director of the Women’s Center of Roanoke, Virginia. Many of these women were victims of poverty
and violence. She gave them the
strongest weapon ever – Art. As a result
Artemis Journal was founded in 1977
and thrives to this very day.

“This image (by Dorothy Gillespie) then had a life of its own and became the first downtown mural painted in Roanoke, Virginia. The "Celebration of Women artists and Writers" launched the journal and we went on to publish a small press for over 20 years.” Jeri Rogers said.

In 2014 Rogers and Literary Editor Maurice Ferguson who also worked with Rogers (left) on Artemis Journal since 1977, decided to bring the journal back to life. Artemis Journal’s main purpose is to foster art and literary excellence in the Blue Ridge Mountain region of Southwest Virginia and beyond.

theme for the rebirth of the journal, 2014
Artemis Journal (Below) was “Our connection to nature," and
featured guest writer, Nikki Giovanni and
guest artist, photographer Sam Krisch.
theme for the 2015 Artemis Journal (Below) was “The courage of our convictions,” and
featured guest writer Beth Macy (author of Factory Man), and guest artist painter Bill White.
2016 Artemis Journal (Below) featured
guest writer, Poet Laureate Ron Smith, and guest artist Roanoke Sculptor, Betty Branch.
2017 Artemis Journal (Below) featured
acclaimed poet, Nikki Giovanni and guest artist, Tricia Scott.
theme for the 2018 Artemis Journal (Below) is “Women hold up half the sky” with guest writer Sharyn McCrumb, the New York Times best
selling author of The Unquiet Grave.

After graduating from college I went to New York
City with ambitions to move to Europe, but I became involved in the city and
began modeling to support myself. While modeling, I met Carl Shiraski, a
professional photographer who became a close friend and encouraged me to
continue learning the profession. Modeling gave me a great opportunity to see
photographers in action, and I began seriously studying the art from a modeling
perspective. Above Left Photo of Jeri attributed to Carl Shiraski
Can you give me a bit of
your background career-wise, particularly to what led you to create Artemis in

During that time, I was told that a Women’s
Counseling Center was opening in Roanoke and I was approached to consider applying
to be the Director. It was, apparently, well known by then that I am a feminist
to the core. I had become radicalized in college during the 60’s when the Civil
Rights Movement was in full swing. I had read “Second Sex” written in 1949 by
Simone de Beauvoir, giving a detailed analysis of women's oppression and a
foundational tract of contemporary feminism. Ms. Beauvoir’s made a profound
impact on me, and helped me formulate my personal philosophy on feminism.
What is your
personal philosophy on feminism?
I am a feminist and believe women are equal to
men and contributed a great deal to our society. Throughout history,
there has always been a power struggle between the sexes and races. It has been
a long road, after all women got the right to vote in 1920 after black men.
At least we are not burning women at the stake!

Whatever strides we have made we should remember to thank the women who throughout our history have fought tirelessly to give us a voice. Thanks to Susan B. Anthony for pushing the right to vote, Maud Wood Park for prenatal care and identity outside your husband, Elizabeth Stanton for the right to work, Margaret Sanger for the right to legal birth control, Eleanor Roosevelt and Molly Dewson for the right to work in politics and make policy, Carol Downer for reproductive health care, Malala Yousafzai for pushing the rights of young women internationally, Rosa Parks for not backing down on the bus, Ruth Bader Ginsburg for her holding up the rights of
women on the Supreme Court, Gloria Steinem for her lifetime commitment to equal rights and our mothers and grandmothers who stood before us with half the rights we now have as women.
Today we can make our own choices, vote, work,
control our bodies and vote because of the women who have marched before us
throughout history. Reaping the benefits of the strong women who pushed
patriarchy and fought misogyny create the status we as women are fortunate to
have. These strides are very fragile and with the current President and
Congress in power, women’s rights are in grave danger.
This is why we chose the theme “Women hold up half the sky” for next
year’s journal. Artemis began from writing workshops for abused women and has
continued to support and celebrate women throughout our history with art and
How did you first get
acquainted with social activism?
I grew up in Ysleta, a small town in southwest
Texas. My father was a principal in the public school district there, and the
majority of the population consisted of Tigua Indians, Mexicans, and
African Americans. I was clearly in the minority, and it gave me a wide
perspective on diversity and equality.
My father’s attitude and sense of social justice
also had a profound influence on me. He was always very committed to the underdog,
and as a principal of Loma Terrace Elementary School (Left Jack Cox) , he made sure that the
poorer students had a free breakfast and lunch. He was also instrumental in
getting the Tigua Indians recognized as an official tribe by the Federal
Government. In fact, during a contest in 1946 to name a growing small town in
southwest Texas, my father submitted the name “Tigua” in honor of the tribe.
The name won; and the tribe got Federal recognition, which led to financial
relief, helping them rebuild their community. The tribe flourished by building
a square in the middle of town with an open fireplace to bake bread and hold
traditional Indian ceremonial dances. The small Tigua Indian
tribe was revitalized as the town became a popular tourist destination.

One of my many part time jobs was with at Texas Western College, where I tutored many of the African American athletes who helped defeat the top-ranked University of
Kentucky all-white basketball team for the NCAA Men’s Division 1 Basketball championship on March 19, 1966. They won 72-65 in front of an essentially all-white crowd, including the referees. (Above Left)Texas Western was the first college team ever to start five African Americans in any basketball game. It was great!

And how did this social
activism lead you to start a writing workshop for T.A. P. and the YWCA Women’s
In order to take the job at the Women’s Center, (Left) Bristow Hardin, the head of TAP (Total Action Against Poverty), offered me a
grant to do a photographic study on mountain women, as well as Director of the Women's Resource Center. It was a deal I couldn’t refuse, because I could have my
cake and eat it too. I found my voice and mission along the way; because, the
truth is, I had experienced abuse in my own relationships, and now I was being
given the opportunity to heal myself and others. It was a wonderful
experience for me and I’m truly grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to work
with such amazing people dedicated to social change.

Can you go into great
detail of the origin of Artemis from its conception in the your mind until the
beginning of its 14-year hiatus?(below - attributed to Carl Larsson)
During the first year we opened the Women’s
Center, many of the women artists and writers became my photographic subjects.
I thought it might be a good idea to start writing workshops for our abused
clients, and asked these writers to volunteer to lead the workshops.

We started to notice a remarkable change in our
clients; they were becoming more vocal and open and their writing started to
bloom. So, I thought it would be a good idea to have a feminist journal to
highlight their writings and promote the programs at the Women’s Center; and
that’s how Artemis began.
Who thought of the name

ing while meditating under the moonlight on my apple farm on Bent Mountain, the inspiration came to me to name the journal after the Greek goddess, Artemis. I thought she was a perfect choice.
Here’s a quote from the 2015 Artemis journal describing Artemis; “Artemis,
namesake of this journal and goddess of light, (Right Jeri in front of Artemis statue at the Louve)
had the divine duty of illuminating the darkness. Often she is depicted carrying a candle or torch, lighting the way for others and leading them through territories yet unchartered.
(Above Left attributed to Anton Raphael Mengs)
Known as the chaste Greek goddess associated with the moon and hunt, her connection with the natural world symbolized her own untamed spirit, and she became the patron saint of childbirth, protector of wild animals, virgins and the powerless. Her illumination lends inspiration to the theme of this edition, courage of our convictions, shedding light into the unknown and supporting us with her courage and strength.” And so, Artemis it is!
had the divine duty of illuminating the darkness. Often she is depicted carrying a candle or torch, lighting the way for others and leading them through territories yet unchartered.
(Above Left attributed to Anton Raphael Mengs)
Known as the chaste Greek goddess associated with the moon and hunt, her connection with the natural world symbolized her own untamed spirit, and she became the patron saint of childbirth, protector of wild animals, virgins and the powerless. Her illumination lends inspiration to the theme of this edition, courage of our convictions, shedding light into the unknown and supporting us with her courage and strength.” And so, Artemis it is!
How long have you and Maurice Ferguson (Below left) known each other? How did the two of you meet? And can you describe
your 20- year professional relationship with Maurice? Perhaps even memories of
the two of you working for Artemis?
I’ve actually known Maurice for more than 30
years, starting in the 80’s when he joined our Artemis Board of Directors and became an editor for
our journals. He was one of our first men to join
in our mission of creating a journal and art events. As a dedicated writer I
greatly admire his editing skills and Artemis Journal would not be
possible without his dedication and keen editing skills. We’ve done so many things together for Artemis - from meetings, book
sales, car washes, flea markets, poetry readings, and art shows to the actual
planning and publishing of our journals. He’s a dedicated poet and editor to
whom I am grateful beyond words for his part in the success of our collective,
and much-loved, work.
Can you describe the
environment of the office of Artemis in great detail?

I live on Little River Farm with my
husband, Jonathan Rogers, attorney and part-time judge, along with our horses and Dante, our golden retriever. I am a horse lover and working there keeps me
close to their energy. I often refer to our farm as
the “doorstep to heaven” with acres of trails and scenic beauty that skirts the
Little River. (Left view of the horses from the Rogers Home).
What was the typical
workday at Artemis like for you?

I spend at least 2-3 hours a day working on Artemis, and usually speak with
Maurice about the submissions we are receiving. We have a fantastic art
and layout editor, Virginia Lepley (Above left with Maurice Ferguson), and I try to keep up with her as well. We
each work out of our own home, communicating via email and phone, and
occasionally we meet in person.
In 1980 Artemis switched
its focus from feminist all female writing to males. What led to this?

What caused the hiatus?
And the date of the last issue?
The last journal in year 2000 was spearheaded by
Ann Weinstein who served as President of the Board from 1988 to 1991 and then oversaw the final issue in the year 2000 (Above Left) I resigned from the Board of Directors of Artemis in the year 2000 to do graduate work at Hollins University. My graduate thesis was a video on Social service programs for men who abuse women. "Wounded Sky" was picked up by the local PBS station WBRA and aired on TV the same year I received my graduate degree.
What led to the reunion
to publish Artemis again?
There were several of us who were
involved in the first go around with Artemis and we missed the journal.
Judy Ayylidiz, Maurice Ferguson and myself were involved in the discussions and
I finally decided to bring the journal back. (* Above Right Photo description at the end of this piece)
At the same time I had met Virginia
Lepley (Left) here in Floyd at a Chinese Martial Arts class I was taking and through
our practice together we found out that we both had a love for producing
literary journals. She had done so in high school and as a graphic artist who
had just moved down from New York City, Virginia had experience with production
of design projects in her ad agency in New York City. All the pieces came
together with each person’s skills and the three of us joined forces and began
the process of bringing back Artemis.

How is Artemis today
different or similar from Artemis before the hiatus?
There are now only three of us that put the
journal together. For many years we had a large Board of Directors, which was
fantastic, but very time consuming. I decided if I was going to do this again,
I would have to be very mindful of time management as I have other projects in
the works along with a busy lifestyle. One of our enhancements was to very
consciously bring Artemis
back by incorporating principles of sacred geometry to highlight the vast
creative skills of peoples of the Blue Ridge Mountains and beyond.
What did
you mean by “Incorporating principles of sacred geometry” in Artemis Journal?

What exactly are you
looking for in submissions for the journal? Specifically is it correct to
say the only people who can submit to the journal is if the subject matter has
something to do with the Blue Ridge Mountain area?
We take submissions from artists and writers in
the Blue Ridge Mountains and from around the world! Most years we have a theme;
and this year’s theme is “Women hold up half the sky.” (Above Left Natasha Tretheway)

Prize winner Rosanne Coggeshall) (Above Right Black and White Photo); Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford (Erica Keating); Virginia Prize Winner (Mary Hayne North); and NAACP Image Award Recipient (Nikki Giovanni). Left with Virginia Lepley left and Jeri Rogers Right)
Other award winning poets who have appeared in Artemis
Journal are Rita Sims Quillen, (Below left) Carolyn Forche (Below Right), Katherine Soniat, and
LuAnn Keener-Mikenas.

I believe that the reason Artemis has continued all these years is because we still
hold and honor our original intention, to foster excellence in the arts by
connecting with the power within ourselves.(Right Top Katherine Soniat; Right Bottom LuAnn Kenner-MIkenas)
Anything you would like
to add?
There have been so many talented and dedicated
folks along the way who have given generously of their time and talent to make
the journal come alive. It’s a reminder of the goodness of people who care
about one another, and who love the process of creating a journal, called Artemis.
*Artemis Journal is presently accepting submissions for its “Women hold up half the sky” issue. Deadline for all submissions is November 30, 2017.
*Artemis Journal is presently accepting submissions for its “Women hold up half the sky” issue. Deadline for all submissions is November 30, 2017.
is invited to attend the Artemis Launch of the 2018
Artemis at Roanoke Taubman Museum of Art on
Friday, May 4, 2018, 6 p.m. for the gathering, and 7 pm. for the talk by
guest writer Sharyn McCrumb.
*Back Back row; Jeri Rogers, Joe Klein, Virginia Lepley
Betty Branch
Artemis Journal
is pleased to announce collaboration with The
Light Bringer Project to
enlarge its scope to include Science Fiction Stories. The organization
will close the submission deadline of Women
Hold Up Half the Sky Award on Jan. 29, 2018. Go to for
submission instructions.
This award recognizes a science fiction
story that embraces feminist themes and has a strong female protagonist. Top
entries will exemplify excellence in feminist storytelling, while capturing the
complexities of their characters.
winner will receive dual publication in Artemis Journal and on the Hollywood NOW website in addition to
$100.00 USD cash from Hollywood NOW The winner’s story will also be read on stage
by a celebrity guest at LitFest Pasadena
on May 19, 2018 and the winner will be officially recognized at the event.
Additional prizes include a print copy of the Artemis Journal with the
winning story featured, special recognition in media releases, and more.
*Back Back row; Jeri Rogers, Joe Klein, Virginia Lepley
Front row; (left to right) Blue Mountain High Students, Rachel
Terrell, Madeline Emmett, Linneya Cooley and Maren Weber.
Here are the brilliant students from Blue Mountain High School,
we are mentoring into the world of publishing Artemis. Artemis Reborn! Target
publish date-May 2014!
Betty Branch
Maurice Ferguson
Carolyn Forche
Nikki Giovanni
LuAnn Keener-Mikenas
Sam Krisch
Virginia Lepley
Judy Ayylidiz
Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda
Beth Macy
Sharyn McCrumb
Rita Sims
Jeri Rogers
Ron Smith
Bill White
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