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****Kristine Goodfellow’s The Other Twin is the tenth in a never-ending series called INSIDE THE EMOTION OF FICTION where the Chris Rice Cooper Blog (CRC) focuses on one specific excerpt from a fiction genre and how that fiction writer wrote that specific excerpt. All INSIDE THE EMOTION OF FICTION links are at the end of this piece.
Name of
fiction work? And were there other names you considered that you would like to
share with us? My most recent novel
is called The Other Twin. The title
came to me while writing a different novel called The Tributary. Although the two books are not part of a series,
they take place in the same small midwestern city and characters from both
books have brief interactions with each other.
While writing a critical scene
in The Tributary, I sensed that there
was a compelling storyline (or backstory) about the secondary characters I was
describing. After a little thought, I believed that those characters’
captivating stories needed to be told in their own right. The idea for The Other Twin began to form in my

What is
the date you began writing this piece of fiction and the date when you
completely finished the piece of fiction?
began writing The Other Twin in late 2010. I finished a very rough draft of the
manuscript in 2011, but it wasn’t edited and publishable until 2018. I
immediately loved the story! It unfolded itself in my imagination as though I
were watching a movie. When I finished, I had fallen in love with the main
characters. I knew I could never get those characters out of my mind and heart.
However, I set it aside and went to work on my next novel. If I feel compelled to write a new story, I follow
that compulsion. Consequently, all my time and attention go into the new story.
When that task is finished, I’ll set it aside and return to the previous
manuscript. Having that separation, I’m able to read the old manuscript with
fresh eyes. This allows new ideas and scenes to flow more freely from my
imagination. As a rule, I try to always finish one manuscript before I begin a
new one, but that doesn’t mean it’s been edited, polished, and finalized. It
just means the main storyline is on paper (or in this case on the computer) as
a whole, complete idea. This process works for me and I still use it.
did you do most of your writing for this fiction work? And please describe in detail. And can you please include a photo? I wrote The
Other Twin at home in Abilene, Texas. We moved from that house in 2012 (Right). I
wish I’d taken pictures of my desk area, but at the time, I didn’t think about
documenting my writing space in pictures. I wish I would have! I didn’t have a
designated office at that time. The house was open-concept and had a ‘great
room.’ The kitchen opened right up into the family room, separated by a long
counter with barstools. The formal dining room was on the far side of the room
and a formal living room was
separated by a wide entry or a ‘breeze way’ that led from the front door,
straight to the French doors that opened onto a big patio. While writing The Other Twin, my desk was in the
family room area. My desk faced into the room, but there was a large window on
my right that overlooked the backyard.
liked being with the family while they were watching TV or working on their
laptops etc. There’s something good about being physically present even if I’m
lost in my own world of fiction. I always use headphones when I write, so I
managed to block out any television noise. (Right: The Goodfellow Family in 2018. Copyright permission granted by Kristine Goodfellow for this CRC Blog Post Only)
this time, my oldest son was a college freshman in South Dakota and I truly missed
his presence! My husband, myself, and our younger son lived in a small town in West
Texas. If you’ve ever read the book or seen the movie Friday Night Lights, what is described is not an exaggeration. We
lived it! At the time I was writing The
Other Twin, my younger son played high school football which meant if he
wasn’t playing, he was lifting weights, running, or practicing (sometimes twice
a day). Looking back, that period of my life was like a dress rehearsal for an
empty nest. Although, I still was able to hug my youngest child every day, look
into his eyes every afternoon, and kiss him goodnight, I was well aware I only had
one more year with a child in the house. I didn’t want to miss any of it.
Writing took a backseat to football. Once, I waited in line for three and half
hours, in the blazing sun, to get tickets to my own son’s game—that’s how
serious high school football is in Abilene, Texas. So, writing The Other Twin took a little more time
than some of my other books due to both military spouse commitments and family
also like to have plenty of caffeine on hand—mostly Diet Coke, but sometimes
coffee. I work better if I have not eaten a large meal, so I graze throughout
the day while I’m writing. A mixture of walnuts and dates or salty-sweet trail
mix sitting on my desk gets through the day and helps me resist the temptation
of pulling out a bag of chips and jar of salsa and vegging out in front of the
TV. If I can nibble something while writing, I’ll stay focused.
I am
a night owl. My creativity seems to slip into high gear after ten o’clock. I
used to stay up until three or four o’clock in the morning while deep in the
throes of writing. I have not done that recently. Maybe it’s age. My brain
starts lagging about one o’clock and I know it is time to get some sleep. (Left: Kristine Goodfellow in her Montgomery, Alabama neighborhood at the time. November 2014. Copyright permission granted by Kristine Goodfellow for this CRC Blog Post Only)
Other Twin
Print Edition: Chapter 4
Pages 48-53
Matt plopped down on the filthy couch and
closed his eyes for a moment. Coming here
was a mistake. I don’t want to stay. I wonder if there’s a way I can get back
to Builder’s Mission. It’s starting to get dark. I don’t think I should walk
back now.
After a while, his eyelids became heavy.
A bang and crash on the wall behind him
startled him from a dreamless sleep.
Purrell screamed, “Stop, Todd! Please!”
“Then tell me where you’ve been! Quit lying!”
A series of thumps preceded more pleas for him
to stop hitting her. Matt rushed to the bedroom. After twisting the doorknob
and finding it locked, he slammed his shoulder into the door. The wood
splintered, separating the lock from the frame.
Todd, still gripping Purrell’s arm, spun around
and faced him. Matt hit him between the eyes. Todd flew back onto the mattress.
Purrell fell to the floor. Matt picked her up and deposited her on her feet.
“Matt! Look out!” Purrell pointed right behind
him. He turned around. One of Todd’s friends swung a long strip of corrugated
aluminum from a broken shelving unit, aiming straight for his head. Matt ducked
but received a partial blow.
Purrell yelled, “Watch out!”
Todd jumped on him from behind, knocking him
off balance. Matt pulled him from his back and landed a solid punch to Todd’s
stomach. Todd dropped to the ground. The other guy swung the strip of aluminum
again. Matt blocked the blow with his arm. Searing bolts of pain radiated from
his forearm to his fingers. Matt snatched the strip and tossed it aside.
Another man hurried into the bedroom and
wrapped his arms around Matt’s legs throwing
him to the ground.
Todd wiped the blood dripping from his nose and
mouth with the back of his hand. “You stupid sonofabitch!” He kicked Matt in
the ribs. The excruciating blow made him gasp in futility trying to fill his
lungs with air. He unsteadily rose to his feet. Just as he regained his
balance, the other two men grabbed Matt’s arms and held them behind his back.
While they restrained him, Todd took the opportunity to pummel him.
“Todd, no! You’ll kill him! Stop! You’re going
to kill him! Do you want to go to prison?”
“Fine.” Todd spit blood onto the shag carpet.
“Get the hell out of here, you freak.”
Matt’s ears buzzed from the blows to the head.
Pain seared his ribs; his arm throbbed. The knuckles on his right hand swelled
and turned red and purple. He clutched Purrell’s sleeve to lead her out of the
Todd laughed. “What do you think you’re doing?
She’s not going with you. She’s coming to Sioux Falls with us.”
Matt questioned Purrell with his eyes.
“I’m fine.” Her nose dribbled blood. A blue
bruise gleamed from her cheek. “Just leave, okay?”
He shook his head and grabbed her hand.
She yanked away from him. “Don’t touch me,
Matt! Leave! Go on! Get out of here!”
He pushed past the other men and returned to
the living room. On his way to the door, he grabbed his coat from the couch.
Someone he’d never seen before swiped the coat out of his hands. Matt shoved
the guy and yanked it back. Todd hurried into the living room. He snatched the
coat from Matt. “You go, Freak. Your coat stays.” He tossed the coat to the
other guy. “It’s his now.”
Matt stomped toward Todd.
Todd pointed a pistol at him, cocked the
hammer. “You doubt my swagger, Freak?”
Matt raised his hands and backed up until he
reached the door.
Purrell tried to pull the coat from the other
guy. “Give him his coat back, Mead! He’ll freeze to death! Give him his coat!”
The men laughed at her attempt to yank the coat from Mead’s fingers.
Matt turned around and stepped out into the
frigid air. The door slammed behind
him. Matt stood in the dark—hurt, bleeding, and terrified of being all alone.
He flipped up the hood of his sweatshirt, shoved his hands into his front
pockets and hurried down the snow and ice covered sidewalk. What do I do now? Where am I supposed to go?
Oh, god! How would Luke handle this? He’d probably say Purrell had made a
stupid choice to go to Todd’s. He’d be right. But, I made an even worse choice
to go with her.
After a couple blocks, Matt’s fingers and toes
burned. His nose felt as if it could snap off any second. His lungs rebelled
with every breath. His whole body hurt.
Matt’s vision began to blur from heavy frost
forming on his lashes. He tried to pick up the pace while searching for
shelter—any protection from the elements.
In his haste, he strode over a patch of ice.
His feet came out from under him and he crashed to the ground. The back of his
head hit the frozen sidewalk
Dizzy, he sat up and cupped his hand over the
painful goose egg starting to form. I
can’t do this. I don’t want to walk any farther. Dammit! Why did you go back
into the fire, brother? That was a stupid choice, too! I just want to die and
be with you again. I hate being here all alone.
Matt’s breath came out in short bursts of gray
mist as he shivered on the frozen sidewalk. His mind dredged up a painful
memory of something Luke had told him when they were thirteen.
They’d run away from a foster home situated
right outside the city limits. A ‘warm’ 50-degree day in mid-January had lured
their foster parents out of the house. In the nine months the boys had been
there, their guardians rarely left together. One of them always stayed behind
to make sure the twins kept working in the sorting room of their ‘family-run’
recycling center. Matt and Luke hadn’t been allowed a meal in forty-eight
The boys exited through the back door wearing
backpacks filled with cans of food, a can opener, and half a loaf of bread.
They each carried a small plastic grocery sack filled with all their clothes.
To avoid being caught, they journeyed to Rapid City through the woods rather
than the main road.
majestic pine trees in the Black Hills were unusually still; not even a breeze
blew through their icicle-draped branches. White clouds drifted aimlessly in an
azure Dakota sky. Sunlight glittered on the carpet of snow where prisms
appeared in small puddles caused by melting icicles.
The twins had no idea that the warm weather
predicated a fast-moving cold front. Before long, menacing clouds smothered the
brilliant blue sky. Heavy snowflakes coated the teenagers as they trudged to
the city in hopes of finding shelter for the night. As soon as they emerged
from the woods and neared the freeway that would lead them to the city, the
wind began to howl, slowing their progress.
Matt had wanted to rest, but Luke wouldn’t let
“No! Get up! We need to keep walking. I’m cold
and tired, too, but we can’t stop. If we sit down, our body temperatures will
drop. Moving around helps keep your blood circulating. If you sit down, Matty,
you’ll fall asleep and freeze to death.”
Almost ten years later, Matt contemplated
surrendering—curling-up somewhere and falling asleep. He stepped off the
sidewalk and headed to a nearby fence. He sat down and hugged his knees to his
chest, hoping he’d fall asleep quickly. But—
His mind would not rest. He recalled how Cassie
clutched his arm—how their eyes met and within that incredible moment something
intense passed between them. She’d pulled him into her warm embrace. That
sincere hug had brought him back from total despair. He pinched his eyes shut
and pictured her warm, disorganized apartment complete with stacks of
magazines, piles of clothes, scattered shoes, and a kitchen sink filled with
dishes. He couldn’t help but smile at the memory of her ‘clearing off the
table’ so they could eat dinner. Suddenly, he did not want to die. I need
to get back to Builder’s. I bet she’s there.
Matt returned to the sidewalk. He’d decided to
keep going for as long as his body let him continue. His teeth chattered; he
was in severe pain, but somehow Cassie’s memory managed to make a brief smile
come to his lips.
Full-time teacher (and part-time snowplow
driver) Finnian Howard, rubbed his tired eyes. His plowing-shift had just ended
when he noticed a man walking alone, fighting against the wind. What the…? Why is he outside in weather like
this? The wind chill is below zero! My God! He doesn’t have a coat! He
stopped the plow and rolled down the window.
“What the hell are you doing out here? Where’s
your coat?” Oh, man! Someone has beaten
the hell out of him.
The young man used a couple of sign-language
“Oh, you’re deaf? Can you read lips?”
The man’s shoulders sagged but he nodded.
“Were you in a car accident? You’re bleeding.
Get in.” He reached across the seat and opened the door. “Hurry! You’re letting
in all the cold.”
The young man hopped inside and slammed the
door. Finnian turned on the interior lights. “Do you need to go to the
hospital? Or the police station?”
His eyes grew wide; he vehemently shook his
“Here.” Finnian handed him a box of tissues.
“You’re bleeding right there.” He pointed at his forehead. “What’s your name?
Where are you going on a night like this?”
Finnian opened his glove box and dug around
until he found a Sharpie. “Here.” He handed him the pen and a used brown lunch
He wrote: My name is Matt. I was going to my
friend Cassie’s. Got jumped going through a bad neighborhood. They stole my
“Where does your friend live?”
“157 Main Street. Above Tennison
Law Office.” After he’d shown Finnian what he’d written, he took back the sack
and added: Don’t tell anyone she lives above the lawyer.
“You were going to walk to Main Street from
He wrote: I didn’t have a choice. Someone was
supposed to give me a ride, but he didn’t.
“All right. I can get you there.” Finnian cast
sideways glances at him. “Do you want to write down what happened? Did you get
a good look at the men who jumped you?”
The young man shook his head; his eyes filled
with tears. He stared out the passenger side window for the rest of the journey
across town.
Finnian stopped in front of the correct
address. “Are you sure she’s home?”
He nodded before using a sign-language word
that Finnian assumed meant: Thank you.
Before he opened the door to the building, the
young man smiled sadly and waved to him.
Why is this excerpt so
emotional for you? And can you describe
your own emotional experience of writing this specific excerpt? The story takes place in Rapid City, South Dakota,
a place we called home for six and a half years. We loved it there. My children
were in elementary school. For a service project, we volunteered once a month to
serve at a homeless shelter/soup kitchen called Cornerstone. The people who ran
it were wonderful. They were always happy to have children volunteer. My kids
were given tasks such as rolling silverware up in paper napkins and setting them
on the tables.
Every time we volunteered, the number of young people disturbed me. I wanted to know their stories. I wanted to know the circumstances that brought them to the shelter, but I respected their privacy and didn’t ask too many questions. One day, I asked one of shelter workers why there were so many teens and young adults who came through the dinner line. She sighed and told me that although each story is different, one thing seemed to be a common denominator for most of the influx of youth needing services. She said, “The foster care system is broken and many are the victims of case mismanagement and severe lack of proper foster homes.” I learned that many of them had either aged out of the system at age eighteen, or they were runaways from abusive or neglectful homes. It’s been many years since we worked at Cornerstone, but I never forgot those kids. The Tributary and The Other Twin come from my experiences at the shelter in the mid-1990s and also from working in the family court system years later. I have so much admiration and respect for the people who help troubled young people.
Every time we volunteered, the number of young people disturbed me. I wanted to know their stories. I wanted to know the circumstances that brought them to the shelter, but I respected their privacy and didn’t ask too many questions. One day, I asked one of shelter workers why there were so many teens and young adults who came through the dinner line. She sighed and told me that although each story is different, one thing seemed to be a common denominator for most of the influx of youth needing services. She said, “The foster care system is broken and many are the victims of case mismanagement and severe lack of proper foster homes.” I learned that many of them had either aged out of the system at age eighteen, or they were runaways from abusive or neglectful homes. It’s been many years since we worked at Cornerstone, but I never forgot those kids. The Tributary and The Other Twin come from my experiences at the shelter in the mid-1990s and also from working in the family court system years later. I have so much admiration and respect for the people who help troubled young people.
believe we are supposed to use our talents to help—to make a difference
My intent is to use my writing ability to call attention to the problem of homeless young adults. I especially want to humanize the victims and give people a chance to contemplate uncomfortable portions of our society by giving them a different perspective—one with which they might identify. (Left: Kristine Goodfellow's Louisiana home office. Copyright permission granted by Kristine Goodfellow for this CRC Blog Post only)
My intent is to use my writing ability to call attention to the problem of homeless young adults. I especially want to humanize the victims and give people a chance to contemplate uncomfortable portions of our society by giving them a different perspective—one with which they might identify. (Left: Kristine Goodfellow's Louisiana home office. Copyright permission granted by Kristine Goodfellow for this CRC Blog Post only)
Phantom: Edge of the
Mansion on Butcher
The Tributary
Frankenstein: The
Missing Chapter
The Gift of Winter
Command Performance
Kristine Goodfellow is an American author who writes in the genres of Gothic Romance, Supernatural Suspense,, Psychological Drama, and Contemporary Fiction.

Always creating new characters and being bombarded by new story ideas, she never lacks for something to do. Kristine is currently working on her eighth manuscript.
Kristine is a big fan of period dramas, and adores mini-series of classic novels. She loves vintage films starring big personalities like Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. Whether reading books or watching old movies, Kristine has the habit of making up alternative endings and/or backstories for secondary characters.
001 11 15 2018 Nathaniel Kaine’s
Thriller Novel
Hunter – The Veteran
002 11 18 2018 Ed Protzzel’s
Antiquities Dealer
003 11 23 2018 Janice Seagraves’s
Fiction Romance
004 11 29 2018 Christian Fennell’s
Fiction Novel
Fiddler in the Night
005 12 02 2018 Jessica Mathews’s
Paranormal Romance
006 12 04 2018 Robin Jansen’s
Fiction Novel
Ruby the
007 12 12 2018
Adair Valerez’s
Fiction Novel
008 12 17 218 Kit Frazier’s
Mystery Novel
Dead Copy
009 12 21 2019 Robert
Noir/Spy Novel
The Road
of a Thousand Tigers
010 01 13 2019 Kristine
Contemporary Romantic Fiction
Contemporary Romantic Fiction
The Other
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