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CRC Blog on
Kathryn Stockett’s The HELP’s Eugenia
“Skeeter” Phelan
That Hot Mile”
I used to walk that
hot mile myself, when I was a girl. If I
begged and practiced my catechism, Mother would sometimes let me go home with
Constantine on Friday afternoons. After
twenty minutes of walking slow, we’d pass the colored five-and-dime store, then
a grocer with hens laying in back, and all along the way, dozens of
shacky-looking roadside houses with tin roofs and slanting porches, along with
a yellow one that everybody said sold whisky from the back door. It was a thrill to be in such a different
world . . .
Page 71 (Above Left: Tenant family at Marrella Plantation in Tchula, Mississippi in 1939. Image attributed to Marion Post Wolcott)
It is June of 1962
and Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan is a college graduate from Mississippi University with
a double major in English and
Journalism. Skeeter didn’t feel the need
for her parents and older brother Carlton Jr to have to travel three hours just
to see her walk the stage to get her diploma when her Mother really wanted to
see her walk down the aisle to get married. Instead she returns to her Daddy’s
cotton plantation home Longleaf with
her typewriter and her head full of dreams of being a writer. (Above Right: Lakeport Plantation in the Arkansas.)
Skeeter will never meet her
mother’s expectations – she’s not interested in the things her mother is
interested in; she’s not the typical southern bell; she doesn’t look like any
southern bell; she is not the least bit interested in the Ole Miss football
games that all of Jackson seems to celebrate; and lastly she can’t share with
her mother her passion and dreams of writing because “She’ll only turn it into yet another thing that
separates me from the married girls.” (Above Right - Ole Miss football team 1962)
There are two people that have given Skeeter comfort and
self-esteem – her maid, companion, and “true mom” Constantine who raised her
since she was a baby; and her best
friend Miss Hilly Walters Holbrook, whom she has known since elementary school
With other people, Hilly hands out lies like the Presbyterians hand out
guilt, but it’s our own silent agreement, this strict honesty; perhaps the one
thing that kept us friends.
Page 103

She also wrote letters to
Constantine once a week and Constantine would write back two times a month and
then in April of 1962, Constantine wrote to her that she had a big surprise for
Skeeter, and Skeeter hadn’t heard from her since. Only to return home in June to discover that,
according to her mother, Constantine quit
to move back to her sister’s family in Chicago.
Skeeter knew she had lost her precious Constantine. (Above Left: Clip from Imitation of Life which could be Constantine with Skeeter as a child)

“Maybe we ought to just build you a bathroom outside, Hilly.”
And Law, do that room get quiet.
Mrs. Hilly say, “I don’t think you out to be joking around about the
colored situation. Not if you want to
stay on as editor of the League, Skeeter Phelan.”
Miss Skeeter kind a laugh, but I can tell she don’t think it’s funny. “What, you’d . . .kick me out? For disagreeing with you?”
Miss Hilly raise a eyebrow. “I will
do whatever I have to do to protect our town.
Your lead, Mama.”
Page 10
In Skeeter’s eyes for Hilly to say
what she said to her reveals that there is a negative change in Hilly that
departs from what their friendship is all about. But despite this deep hurt what
bothers her the most about the conversation was Hilly’s view toward the help. She is disturbed and appalled that she can’t
be silent and approaches Aibileen about the conversation, which Aibileen
recalls in her own writing.
She shake her head, just a little.
“Aibileen, that talk in there. . . Hilly’s talk, I mean. . . “
“Do you ever wish you could. . . change things?” she asks.
She got a confused, disgusted look on her face, like she done salted her
coffee instead a sugared it.
I turn back to my washing, so she don’t see me rolling my eyes. “Oh no, ma’am, everything’s fine.”
“But that talk in there, about the bathroom-“ and she smack on that word, Miss Leefolt walk
in the kitchen.
Page 12

I’ve been dropped off
in a place I do not belong anymore.
Certainly not here with Mother and Daddy, maybe not even with Hilly and
Page 66
Her spirits are uplifted when she
receives a letter from Miss Elaine Stein, Senior Editor of Harper & Row’s
Adult Division located in Manhattan, New York, (Left in 1962) and dated September 4, 1962.
In the letter Miss Stein responds to Skeeter’s own letter of applying
for an editor’s position with Harper & Row that a minimum of five years is
required for the position she is applying for.
She also gives Skeeter some words of advice: find a position at a local newspaper to gain experience;
and to only write about things that deeply disturb her. Then in ink Miss Stein writes at the bottom
of the print:
P.S. If you
are truly serious, I’d be willing to look over your best ideas and give my
opinion. I offer this for no better reasons, Miss Phelan, than someone once did
it for me.
Page 83

Skeeter follows Miss Stein’s advice and gets a
job for the Jackson Journal answering
the Miss Myrna Domestic Column letters.
With Elizabeth’s permission, she asks Aibileen to help her with the
letters and Elizabeth says it is fine.
So for the next few weeks Skeeter and Aibileen meet at Miss Leefolt’s house
and she helps her with the letters.
Skeeter also asks Aibileen if she knows anything about Constantine and
where she is. Aibileen reveals that
Constantine was not fired and then she changes her mind and says she must have
misspoke: “I must be misrememoring.” Skeeter believes Aibileen the first time –
that Constantine was fired and approaches her mother about it. Her mother
admits that she did fire Constantine but refuses to explain why: “It was nothing but a colored thing. And that’s all I’m saying.” (Above Left: cropped photo from the film clip The Help)
knows that Aibileen knows more than she’s telling about Constantine and plans
on asking her again but waits for the right time. In the mean time she and Aibileen continue to
meet at Miss Leefolt’s house to answer the Miss Myrna letters. When Mrs. Leefolt’s is not in the house - Aibileen
shares with her the story about her deceased son Treelore who wanted to be a
writer and was a big fan of the book The
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, a book that Skeeter has never even read. Aibileen tells Skeeter that Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man inspired Treelore to
write 50 pages his experiences as a colored man working for a white man.
Aibileen stops peeling. I see her
throat move when she swallows. “Please
don’t’ tell nobody that,” she says, softer now, “him wanting to write about his
white boss.” She bites her lip and it
strikes me that she’s still afraid for him.
Even though he’s dead, the instinct to be afraid for her son is still
“It’s fine that you told me, Aibileen.
I think it was . . . a brave idea.”
Pages 99-100
In the middle of October of 1962
Skeeter receives another letter from Miss Stein to inform her that her ideas are
shallow, lack authenticity, and that special punch. Skeeter is discouraged but forces herself to
write the Junior League newsletter deliberately leaving out Hilly’s Home Help Sanitation Initiative despite
Hilly pressuring her to do so. Skeeter
finds herself in a daze staring at her copy of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men on her window ledge. She walks over to cradle the book in her
hands, afraid the sun will fade the cover.
The book is warm and
heavy from the sun. I wonder if I’ll
ever write anything worth anything at all.
I turn when I hear Pascagoula’s knock on my door. That’s when the idea comes to me.
No. I
couldn’t. That would be . . . crossing
the line.
But the idea won’t go away.
Page 104
Skeeter visits
Elizabeth’s house once a week to visit with Aibileen and they talk so much more
than the Miss Myrna Column, but she hasn’t gotten the courage to approach
Aibileen about her idea –until just before Thanksgiving of 1962. Skeeter goes to Aibileen’s house dressed in
a red dress and red shoes and waits for her to return home when she finally
tells her about her idea of writing about maids working for white
families. She asks Aibileen to
participate and Aibileen tells her that it is too dangerous. Skeeter asks her if she would at least think
about it. Aibileen’s response is simply,
“No ma’am.” (Above Right: Aibileen's house in Greenfield, Mississippi used for the movie The Help)
Unfortunately, due to the holidays
and sicknesses the two are not able to meet until February of 1963 when Skeeter
dresses in dark clothes, lies to her mother that she’s going to one of the
churches in town, and drives to Aibileen’s house. The first meeting is a complete disaster- both
our fearful – both know of the violence that is occurring in Jackson and both
know they are breaking the law. And then
Aibileen begins to lose her nerve to the point that she vomits and she finally tells Skeeter she is just not
ready to talk.
I look over at my
notebook on the white leather seat.
Besides where she grew up, I’ve gotten a total of twelve words. And four of them are yes ma’am and no ma’am.
Page 171
Aibileen’s writing is clear, honest. I tell her so.
“Well, look who I been writing to.” She
chuckles. “Can’t lie to God.”
Page 177
They continue their visits well into spring 1963
when Aibileen tells Skeeter that she wants to read books in hopes it will turn
her into a better writer. Skeeter
suggests she goes to the State Street Library and Aibileen reminds her that
coloreds are not allowed in the library.
Skeeter asks Aibileen to make a list and goes to the white library to
check them out for her. And Aibileen’s
list of book choices is impressive: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Boise,
Poems by Emily Dickinson, The Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, and books by Sigmund Freud and Walden.
What if Elizabeth or
Hilly catches us at what we’re dong? What
if Aibileen gets fired, sent to jail? I
feel like I’m falling down a long spiral tunnel. God, would they beat her the way they beat
that colored boy who used the white bathroom?
What am I doing? Why am I putting
her at such risk?
I go to sleep. I have nightmares for the next fifteen hours
Page 181
Her nightmares turn to hopeful dreams when Miss
Stein calls her and tells her to interview twelve more maids and to have
everything done by New Year’s Eve 1963.
The trouble is Aibileen has asked
over 30 maids to contribute to the book with the same response of “no”. Skeeter is a bit desperate until she gets
another phone call from Aibileen to tell her that Minny is going to contribute
but has some interesting demands one of which is that Skeeter can not drive her
Cadillac to Aibileen’s house.
Two days later Skeeter tells her mother she’s
going to the church to pick her new King James Bible and she wants to use the
truck instead of the Cadillac because she feels guilty for using a nice car
when all those children in Africa are starving to death. And this time she
doesn’t bring her typewriter but pencil and paper.
And Skeeter is nervous
and feels only hostility
from Minny who doesn’t even crack a smile and won’t even look at her as she’s
speaking. She doesn’t dare ask Minny to
slow down like she was able to with Aibileen – her hands dancing with that
pencil as fast as she can run. Finally
Minny ends the interview for the night.
She suddenly stands up, throws her bag on her arm. “I got to go.
You giving me the heart palpitations talking about this.” And out she
goes, slamming the door behind her.
I look up, wipe the sweat off my temple.
“And that was a good mood,” Aibileen says.
Page 193
Skeeter decides to visit the local library to
see if there are any narratives from black maids but can’t come up with any.
Instead she finds the booklet “Compilation
of Jim Crow Laws of the South” which lists the laws of segregation for all of
the southern states. She reads the laws
and experiences her own revelation: Jim Crow or Hilly’s bathroom plan – what’s the

Two weeks after President John F
Kennedy’s assassination Miss Stein changes the due date from New Year’s Eve
1963 to December 21, 1963. Miss Stein
also wants Skeeter to talk about her own maid Constantine. Skeeter once again
approaches Aibileen about what really happened between Constantine and her
mother. Aibileen finally agrees to
tell her but that she has to write it down for her and to give her a few days. (Left: JET issue from November 7, 1963 and LIFE issue dedicated to the slain President John F. Kennedy)
During those few days Stuart tries to
charm Skeeter back into his graces. And
it is here that Skeeter’s mother finally seems to show some approval, some
pride in her daughter.
“If Stuart doesn’t know how intelligent
and kind I raised you to be, he can march straight back to State Street.” She narrows her eye out on the winter
land. “Frankly, I don’t care much for
Stuart. He doesn’t know how lucky he was
to have you.”
Page 420
On December 15, 1963 Skeeter goes to Aibileen’s
house where Aibileen reads from her own prayer book about what happened between
her mother and Constantine and then hands her a letter in a sealed envelope
that she wants her to read when she returns home. Skeeter is appalled by her mother’s behavior
toward Constantine. She knows she cannot
possibly include what happen with Constantine and her mother in the book for her
mother’s sake. And Aibileen agrees that
is something any good daughter would do. And Skeeter approaches her mother to hear her
side of the story, hoping that Aibileen’s version is not the truth, but she is
sadly mistaken.
I let my head sink into my hands.
There is no redeeming piece of the story. I know why Aibileen hadn’t wanted to tell
me. A child should never know this about
her own mother.
Page 429
A little over a week before the deadline Skeeter
meets Aibileen and Minnie at Aibileen’s place with the 266 page manuscript in hand, and all three began to
worry – what would happen if the upper crust society such as Hilly discovered
it was all about the white women in Jackson? Aibileen and Minny decide the Terrible Awful should be put into the
book and finally tell Skeeter what happened.
Minny narrows her eyes at me. I
pull out a pencil and pad.
“I’m only telling you for the book, you understand. Ain’t nobody sharing no heartfelt secrets
Page 433
Skeeter agrees that Aibileen and Minny are right
– to include the Terrible Awful in
the book is their best insurance for safety. Skeeter spends the entire right incorporating
Minny’s Terrible Awful to Hilly and
places the Terrible Awful chapter
toward the end of the book. She finally
mails it to Miss Stein’s office in New York.

On Friday January 17, 1964 Skeeter walks into
Aibileen’s kitchen and tells Aibileen and Minny that Harper & Row will
publish the book The Help – that they
will print a few thousand copies with a $800 advance which Skeeter will split
13 ways giving each maid $61.50. There
are still edits to do and the book will not come out until August of 1964.

Skeeter is discouraged and begins to wonder if The Help was a huge mistake and if it really
is helping anyone but her discouragement ends when she runs into Lou Anne
Templeton at Brent’s Drugstore. (Left: photo of film clip from the movie The Help)

I look down at her long sleeves and I wonder if that’s what she’s been hiding. I hope I’m not right, but I shudder.
“Skeeter, Louvenia is the bravest person I know. Even with all her own troubles, she sits down
and talks to me. She helps me get through
my days. When I read what she wrote about
me, about helping her with her grandson, I’ve never been so grateful in my life. It was the best I’d felt in months.”
“If you did write it, if Hilly’s rumor is true, I just want you to know, I
will never fire Louvenia.”
I watch Lou Anne slip away in the parking lot, thinking, There is so much you don’t know about a
person. I wonder if I could’ve made
her days a little bit easier, if I’d tried. If I’d treated her a little
nicer. Wasn’t that the point of the
book? For women to realize, We are just two people. Not that much separates us. Not nearly as much as I’d thought.
But Lou Anne, she understood the points of the book before she ever read
it. The one who was missing the point
this time was me.
Pages 491 – 492
Then it
is obvious Hilly read about the Terrible
Awful because all of a sudden she is now insisting The Help is NOT about Jackson, but inside a storm is a brewing and
she is set on getting her revenge.
Skeeter then receives a job offer from Harper’s Magazine in New York City as a
copy editor’s assistant. And she has
made the decision to not take it – so she can be close to her mother, but more
importantly so she can be close to Aibileen, Minny and the other maids to make
sure nothing tragic happens to them due to The
Help, which is on its second printing of 5000
more copies which will guarantee another $100 to each of the 13 maids.

Maybe in the end Skeeter has to accept herself
for who she is – an intelligent compassionate human being that strives for the
rights of all – even if it means the rejection by one’s own family and
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