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***This is
the eleventh in a never-ending series called BACKSTORY OF THE POEM where
the Chris Rice Cooper Blog (CRC) focuses on one specific poem and how
the poet wrote that specific poem. All BACKSTORY OF THE POEM links are posted at the end of this piece.
Backstory of the Poem
Diane Beatty’s Photograph, “History Abandoned”
by Arya F. Jenkins

And so this poem,
“History Abandoned,” after Diane’s evocative photograph, was born on the spot,
in a rush of energy I felt go through me and I texted it into words on my
phone. (LEFT: Copyright granted by Diane Beatty)
How many drafts of this poem did you write before going to the final? (And
can you share a photograph of your rough drafts with pen markings on it?) There were very few amendments to this poem, although I believe I reworked
the ending a bit, but as I write online or on my phone, there are no records of
drafts. I didn’t feel anything about “History Abandoned,” but inspiration and
energy, an electric current running through me when I wrote the poem and
perhaps a sense of cause because I was thinking of this talented woman, someone
a part of me in history who had died, her talent and beauty stifled. But there
was nothing premeditated, no conscious formulation, just all these realizations
working together at once.
What do you want readers of this poem to take from this poem? I don’t want readers to take anything from this poem save what it evokes
for them. For me it’s a call to women who have suffered long in silence and
repression to rise up, speak for themselves and to one another. It rose out of my
own history and that of so many women who recognize they must come out of
hiding and speak their truth, and speak to it via their art. (LEFT "Fierce Femininity" attributed to Christal Ann Rice Cooper.)
Has this poem been published before?
And if so where?
-by-arya-jenkins (Above Right: Ekphrastic Review Web Logo Photo)
After Diane Beatty’s
Photograph, “History Abandoned”
Empty drawers piled high
in an attic--
Where else but in a
woman’s house
Or in the house of the
man who keeps her?
Floor littered with
tiles of neglect
The ceiling aches to
break free
This is my house
My attic
Rows upon rows
Some opened and emptied
Others locked and
Privy to storms and
Swept to oblivion
Those locked
Like ossified bones
Refuse to let us see the
Dust of centuries that
Becomes other things
What if in these tiny
Women’s voices speak?
What if they sing?
What if among the
Where birds’ feathers
catch in flight
Respondent echoes
Like cracks of light
And everywhere, inside
and out
Only the whorl of
women’s voices
Is heard
Arya F. Jenkins poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction
have appeared in numerous journals and zines such as Agave Magazine,
Black Scat Review, Brilliant Corners, Blue Heron Review, Cider Press Review,
Dying Dahlia Review, The Feminist Wire, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, Front
Porch Review, KYSO Flash, Otis Nebula, and Provincetown Arts Magazine.
Her poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her flash, “Elvis Too” was
nominated for
the 2017 Write Well Awards by Brilliant Flash Fiction. Her work
has appeared in at least four anthologies. She writes jazz fiction for Jerry
Jazz Musician, an online zine. Her poetry chapbooks are: Jewel Fire (AllBook
Books, 2011) Silence Has A Name (Finishing Line Press, 2016).
Her poetry chapbook, Autumn Rumors, has just been accepted by CW
Books and is slated for publication September 2018.
001 December 29, 2017
Berdeshevksy’s “12-24”
002 January 08, 2018
Rhone Fancher’s “82 Miles From the Beach, We Order The Lobster At Clear Lake
003 January 12, 2018
Crooker’s “Orange”
004 January 22, 2018
Saikaley’s “Modern Matsushima”
005 January 29, 2018
Foos’s “Side Yard”
006 February 03, 2018
Sundwall’s “The Ringmaster”
007 February 09, 2018
Newman’s “That Night”
008 February 17, 2018
Rhone Fancher “June Fairchild Isn’t Dead”
009 February 24, 2018
Clifford Brooks III “The Gift of the Year With Granny”
010 March 03, 2018
Thomas Outlar’s “The Natural Reflection of Your Palms”
011 March 10, 2018
Arya F. Jenkins “After Diane Beatty’s Photograph, “History Abandoned" https://chrisricecooper.blogspot.com/2018/03/11-backstory-of-poem-after-diane.html
Arya F. Jenkins “After Diane Beatty’s Photograph, “History Abandoned" https://chrisricecooper.blogspot.com/2018/03/11-backstory-of-poem-after-diane.html
012 March 17, 2018
Angela Narciso Torres’s “What I Learned This Week”
013 March 24, 2018
Steckel’s “Holiday On ICE”
014 March 31, 2018
Honjo’s “Colors”
015 April 14, 2018
Kallett’s “Ode to Disappointment”
016 April 27, 2018
Copeland’s “Reliquary”
017 May 12, 2018
L Fick’s “The Swallows of Barcelona”
018 May 25, 2018
019 June 09, 2018
Rhone Fancher’s “Stiletto Killer. . . A Surmise”
020 June 16, 2018
Rammelkamp’s “At Last I Can Start Suffering”
021 July 05, 2018
Shaw O’Neill’s “Wind Chimes”
022 July 13, 2018
Julia Gordon-Bramer’s
“Studying Ariel”
023 July 20, 2018
Bill Yarrow’s “Jesus
024 July 27, 2018
Telaina Eriksen’s “Brag
025 August 01, 2018
Seth Berg’s (It is only
Yourself that Bends – so Wake up!”
026 August 07, 2018
David Herrle’s “Devil In
the Details”
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