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***This is the sixty-second in a never-ending series
called BACKSTORY OF THE POEM where the Chris Rice Cooper Blog (CRC)
focuses on one specific poem and how the poet wrote that specific poem.
All BACKSTORY OF THE POEM links are at the end of this
#62 Backstory of the
“Views From the Driveway”
by Amy Barone
Can you go through the
step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first
conceived in your brain until final form?

Where were you when you
started to actually write the poem? And
please describe the place in great detail.
I wrote the poem at my
late mother’s home a month before she suffered a massive stroke. The tragedy
tore apart our family and left my mother incapacitated for the next four years.
Before that, on visits home to Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania from New York City to
see family, I tended to read a pile of books and write, as it was back before
social media and emails infringed on time. So I had the title for this poem brewing
in my head. I wanted to use it as the title for my first poetry collection too.
I remember sitting on the bedroom floor by a pale blue chaise lounge where my
mother tended to read and rest, writing in
longhand. I didn’t travel with a laptop back then. Times were freer. I also brought the pad on which I was writing the poem to a neighborhood swimming pool one afternoon to refine it.
What month and year did you start writing this poem? I wrote “Views from the Driveway” on July 14, 2006.
longhand. I didn’t travel with a laptop back then. Times were freer. I also brought the pad on which I was writing the poem to a neighborhood swimming pool one afternoon to refine it.
What month and year did you start writing this poem? I wrote “Views from the Driveway” on July 14, 2006.
How many drafts of this
poem did you write before going to the final? (And can you share a photograph
of your rough drafts with pen markings on it?) The
poem wrote itself. It poured out of me and I don’t recall making many edits,
perhaps some line edits, but the essence was there from the start.

The original version read, “Mastered the initial phases of love-making—visual stimulation—with neighbors, friends, passersby.” Adhering to the guideline of ‘show, not tell,’ I pulled the two words.

What do you want readers
of this poem to take from this poem? I hope readers will relate to the idea of innocence
in the poem—simple joys like a bike ride, childhood days with unending time and
plans, the background of not-so-sweet realities that could be overcome with
trips to an idyllic spot like my local duck pond, harboring no fear of the sun
or cigarettes.
When we mature, dangers lurk and fear takes over to keep us
healthy, secure, but we can always look back and draw energy and inspiration
from earlier times.
Which part of the poem
was the most emotional of you to write and why? I think the second line of the poem was challenging because my childhood
wasn’t a completely sunny one.
Has this poem been
published before? And if so where? The poem appears in my new poetry collection, We Became Summer, from New York Quarterly Books. The book was
released in early 2018 and represents my first full-length collection.
It was
also the title poem of my first chapbook, Views
from the Driveway, published by Foothills Publishing in 2008.
I’m immensely grateful to all my book publishers, but Michael Czarnecki of Foothills came through when many writer friends told me I’d have to self-publish my first poetry book.

I’m immensely grateful to all my book publishers, but Michael Czarnecki of Foothills came through when many writer friends told me I’d have to self-publish my first poetry book.
Anything you would like
to add? I’m honored and delighted to share this poem and my
insights on writing it at “Backstory of the Poem.”
I tend to be a universal
poet who writes for a mix of readers, so I hope my work continues to reach a
broad population thanks to your support.

Views from the Driveway
A small stretch of space afforded a
window on the world,
the promise of escape from harmful
clutches that lurked inside.
Freedom is a bicycle in red or turquoise
or deep purple.
Grasping banana-shaped handlebars, one
circled toward independence.
Mastered the initial phases of
love-making with neighbors, friends, passersby.
On steamy sultry days, the surface shot
off a pungent perfume.
Mixing with the sun’s scent on young skin
and nubile grass clippings.
Summer in the suburbs had arrived.
Butterfly days called for loose plans
and clandestine trips to the private duck
to roll down grassy hills and puff on
stolen cigarettes.
Time answered most important questions.
And in the Europe of my mind—
breezeways are still in vogue,
families seek shade beneath Kelly green
girls dare to draw the sun with aluminum
still marvel at the sight of fireflies come dusk.
Barone’s new poetry collection, We Became Summer, from New York
Quarterly Books, was released in early 2018. Her chapbook Kamikaze Dance was published in 2015 by Finishing
Line Press, which recognized her as a finalist in their annual New Women’s
Voices Chapbook Competition. Foothills Publishing released her first chapbook, Views
from the Driveway, in 2008. Her poetry has appeared in Café Review, Gradiva, Live Mag!, Muddy River Poetry Review, Paterson Literary Review, Philadelphia Poets, Sensitive Skin and Standpoint
(UK), among other publications and anthologies. (Left: Amy Barone web logo photo Fair Use)
spent five years as Italian correspondent in Milan for Women's Wear Daily
and Advertising Age. She is a former board member of the Italian
American Writers Association where she co-organized and promoted their monthly
readings in New York City. Barone participates at spoken word events in New
York City, New Jersey and Philadelphia. She is a professional member of
PEN America Center and belongs to the brevitas online poetry community that
celebrates the short poem. A native of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, Barone lives in
New York City. (Right: Amy Barone at a poetry reading on April of 2018. Copyright permission granted by Amy Barone for this CRC Blog Post Only)
Line Press:
YouTube Channel:
001 December 29, 2017
Berdeshevksy’s “12-24”
002 January 08, 2018
Rhone Fancher’s “82 Miles From the Beach, We Order The Lobster At Clear Lake
003 January 12, 2018
Crooker’s “Orange”
004 January 22, 2018
Saikaley’s “Modern Matsushima”
005 January 29, 2018
Foos’s “Side Yard”
006 February 03, 2018
Sundwall’s “The Ringmaster”
007 February 09, 2018
Newman’s “That Night”
008 February 17, 2018
Rhone Fancher “June Fairchild Isn’t Dead”
009 February 24, 2018
Clifford Brooks III “The Gift of the Year With Granny”
010 March 03, 2018
Thomas Outlar’s “The Natural Reflection of Your Palms”
011 March 10, 2018
Francesca Jenkins’s “After Diane Beatty’s Photograph “History Abandoned”
012 March 17, 2018
Narciso Torres’s “What I Learned This Week”
013 March 24, 2018
Steckel’s “Holiday On ICE”
014 March 31, 2018
Honjo’s “Colors”
015 April 14, 2018
Kallett’s “Ode to Disappointment”
016 April 27, 2018
Copeland’s “Reliquary”
017 May 12, 2018
L Fick’s “The Swallows of Barcelona”
018 May 25, 2018
019 June 09, 2018
Rhone Fancher’s “Stiletto Killer. . . A Surmise”
020 June 16, 2018
Rammelkamp’s “At Last I Can Start Suffering”
021 July 05, 2018
Shaw O’Neill’s “Wind Chimes”
022 July 13, 2018
Julia Gordon-Bramer’s
“Studying Ariel”
023 July 20, 2018
Bill Yarrow’s “Jesus
024 July 27, 2018
Telaina Eriksen’s “Brag
025 August 01, 2018
Seth Berg’s “It is only
Yourself that Bends – so Wake up!”
026 August 07, 2018
David Herrle’s “Devil In
the Details”
027 August 13, 2018
Gloria Mindock’s “Carmen
Polo, Lady Necklaces, 2017”
028 August 21, 2018
Connie Post’s “Two
029 August 30, 2018
Mary Harwell Sayler’s
“Faces in a Crowd”
030 September 16, 2018
Larry Jaffe’s “The
Risking Point”
031 September 24,
Mark Lee Webb’s “After
We Drove”
032 October 04, 2018
Melissa Studdard’s
033 October 13, 2018
Robert Craven’s “I Have
A Bass Guitar Called Vanessa”
034 October 17, 2018
David Sullivan’s “Paper
Mache Peaches of Heaven”
035 October 23, 2018
Timothy Gager’s
036 October 30, 2018
Gary Glauber’s “The
Second Breakfast”
037 November 04, 2018
Heather Forbes-McKeon’s
“Melania’s Deaf Tone Jacket”
038 November 11, 2018
Andrena Zawinski’s
“Women of the Fields”
039 November 00, 2018
Gordon Hilger’s “Poe”
040 November 16, 2018
Rita Quillen’s “My
Children Question Me About Poetry” and “Deathbed Dreams”
041 November 20, 2018
Jonathan Kevin Rice’s
“Dog Sitting”
042 November 22, 2018
Haroldo Barbosa Filho’s
043 November 27, 2018
Megan Merchant’s “Grief
044 November 30, 2018
Jonathan P Taylor’s
“This poem is too neat”
045 December 03, 2018
Ian Haight’s “Sungmyo
for our Dead Father-in-Law”
046 December 06, 2018
Nancy Dafoe’s “Poem in
the Throat”
047 December 11, 2018
Jeffrey Pearson’s
“Memorial Day”
048 December 14, 2018
Frank Paino’s “Laika”
049 December 15, 2018
Jennifer Martelli’s “Anniversary”
O50 December 19, 2018
Joseph Ross’s “For Gilberto Ramos, 15, Who Died in
the Texas Desert, June 2014”
051 December 23, 2018
“The Persistence of
by Anatoly Molotkov
052 December 27, 2018
“Under Surveillance”
by Michael Farry
053 December 28, 2018
“Grand Finale”
by Renuka Raghavan
054 December 29, 2018
by Gene Barry
055 January 2, 2019
by Larissa Shmailo
056 January 7, 2019
“The Seamstress:
by Len Kuntz
057 January 10, 2019
"Natural History"
by Camille T Dungy
058 January 11, 2019
by Brian Burmeister
059 January 12, 2019
by Clint Margrave
060 January 14, 2019
by Pat Durmon
061 January 19, 2019
“Neptune’s Choir”
by Linda Imbler
062 January 22, 2019
“Views From the
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