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*** The CRC Blog welcomes submissions
from published and unpublished poets for BACKSTORY OF THE POEM series. Contact CRC Blog via email at caccoop@aol.com or personal Facebook messaging at https://www.facebook.com/car.cooper.7
***This is the seventy-eighth in a never-ending series called BACKSTORY
OF THE POEM where the Chris Rice Cooper Blog (CRC) focuses on one
specific poem and how the poet wrote that specific poem. All BACKSTORY
OF THE POEM links are at the end of this piece.
#78 Backstory of the Poem “My Mother was 19”
by John Guzlowski
Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing
this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until
final form? “My Mother Was 19” is
about what happened the day the Nazis came to my mother’s farm in Poland and
killed much of her family. It wasn’t an easy poem to
write. I had been trying to write this poem for about thirty

How do you talk about your grandmother and your aunt
getting raped and murdered, your aunt’s baby getting kicked to
death? Your mother being beaten? Her escape from
the home where this happened? Her years after as a slave laborer in
Nazi Germany? What she had to do to
survive? How all this affected
For a long time, I couldn’t write about it because I didn’t
know enough about it. My mother wouldn’t talk about
it. If I asked her to tell me about what happened, she’d just wave
me away saying, “If they give you bread,
you eat it. If they beat you, you run away.”
And when my dad sometimes talked about what happened when the Germans came, it was mainly whispers and bits of information. I think he was afraid to tell the story because he didn’t want to burden me with the terror my mom experienced.
And when my dad sometimes talked about what happened when the Germans came, it was mainly whispers and bits of information. I think he was afraid to tell the story because he didn’t want to burden me with the terror my mom experienced.

I wrote about the dry summer at the start of the war, the boxcars the Germans put my mom on, the landscape she passed through on the train trip to the slave labor camps in Germany, the work she did in those camps, and her liberation at the end of the war. I even wrote a poem called “Here’s What My Mother Won’t Talk About,” but it too was a poem that didn’t talk about what happened.
This all changed when I had a book of these poems published
in Poland. My mom was in her seventies then, and up to this point, I
had been occasionally showing her my poems about her and my dad, but she
couldn’t read the poems because they were in English. So when she
saw the poems she would say, “Hmm, that’s
interesting” and move on.
She read them.
She sat right down and read about ten of the poems about
her experiences and my dad’s experiences in the war, and then she looked at me
and said, “That’s not the way it
That’s when she started talking then about what had
happened when the Germans came to her home and what happened after the killing,
her capture, her grief, and the two years of misery in the slave labor camps in
We kept up this conversation until she died four years
later. A lot of times I would go to see her and she would ask me to
take out a pen and some paper because she remembered something else she wanted
to say about her years under the Nazis.
It wasn’t always easy listening to these
stories. There were times when I had to ask my mother not to tell me
anymore because -- even though I was a grown man and a teacher -- there were
things she was telling me that I did not want to hear.
Once I knew what had happened to my mother, the actual
writing was pretty straight-forward. I’m
not the kind of writer that broods over a line and rewrites it a dozen
times. I like poems that seem like
they’re part of some kind of conversation, like one person is telling a story
to another person.
So the poem begins with just some the essential facts,
about who was killed, who was raped.
When my mom finally told me the story of that day, this is the way she
told it. Very plain. Very barebones
language. Then about half way through
the poem I start giving the German soldier’s points of view. This I think came from my dad, his hatred for
the German, a hatred that never left him.
He saw his friends castrated, beaten, kicked to death, hanged and shot
by the Germans in the camps, and the way I present that sense of the German’s essential
evil comes from what my dad felt and saw. (Below: Jan Guzlowski far left)
The ending in the poem where I talk about God not giving
you any favors and thinking that He does is just “bullshit” that’s my mom’s voice.
The war and what happened to her and the women and girls in her family
taught her not to trust or depend on anyone or anything, not other people and
not God.
Where were you when you started to actually write the poem? And please describe the place in great details. I remember where I was. I was teaching at Eastern Illinois University, a small school in a small town just south of the middle of the state. I was there only 3 days a week.
The rest of the time I lived in Bowling Green, Kentucky where my wife was the chair of the English Department at Western Kentucky University. In Charleston, Illinois, the small town where my school was, I was living in a boarding house. I had a tiny tiny room there with a really uncomfortable bed, so I spent most of my time in my office in the English Department.
The office was large, and I had a big desk that was always cluttered up with papers I was grading and books I was reading and an ancient computer that must have weighed 30 pounds.

office had a great view.
It looked out over 4th Street and the other side of 4th street there was a pond and woods and trails. It was like a park, and a lot of times I would sit in my office with my back to the door and my eyes enjoying the woods and the pond.
It looked out over 4th Street and the other side of 4th street there was a pond and woods and trails. It was like a park, and a lot of times I would sit in my office with my back to the door and my eyes enjoying the woods and the pond.
is where I did a lot of my writing, in the evening when the building was pretty
much empty except for me and a janitor and maybe another prof who was hiding
from his wife because he was drunk or stoned.

many drafts of this poem did you write before going to the final? (And can you share a photograph of your rough
drafts with pen markings on it? I wish I had the rough drafts. I have always been messy about stuff like
drafts and papers. I can’t find any of
the drafts of anything I wrote back then.
Now it’s better because everything is on my computer, but back then it
was all in folders, and the folders have disappeared over the years. We’ve moved about 6 times since I left
Eastern Illinois University, and each time we get rid of stuff.
Were there any lines in
any of your rough drafts of this poem that were not in the final version? And can you share them with us? Drafts of this
poem? I can only guess how many
drafts. Bunches. At that time, I was a slow writing poet. I’d do about 5 or 6 poems a year, reworking
and reworking. I had to finally force
myself to stop work on a poem after 2 weeks.
What I can say, however, is that I had a problem with the poem, and that problem was talking about my mom getting raped. In a lot of the drafts I tried to hide it. In fact, in the earliest draft of the poem, my mom’s getting raped isn’t mentioned at all. The biggest change I made in the poem was telling the truth about that. Once I did, I knew that the poem was done.
there any lines in any of your rough drafts of this poem that were not in the
final version? And can you share them
with us? The
lines that I cut were the lines that talked about my mom’s sister Sophia being
raped. When I finally decided to tell
the reader my mom was the one that was raped, I knew that I had to put the
focus on that rape.
What do
you want readers of this poem to take from this poem? A lot of time when we
think about war, we focus on the struggles and suffering of soldiers and heroes,
what they go through. What I want people
to take away from my poem is that mothers and fathers and children suffer as
much if not more in war. In the Second
World War, 100 million people died. Most
were moms and dads, infants, school kids.
I want people to know that and remember.

Has the
poem been published before? And if so
where? The
poem appears in Echoes of Tattered Tongues, my book of poems and short prose
pieces about my mom and dad and the war.

My Mother Was 19
from nowhere
to my mother’s farm
her sister’s baby
their heels
my grandma too
time in the neck
for kicks in the face
of times
saw my mother
didn’t care
was a virgin
in a blue dress
tiny white flowers
she couldn’t stand up
lie down
broke her teeth
they shoved
dress in her mouth
they had a camera
would’ve taken her picture
sent it to her
the kind they were
me tell you:
doesn’t give
any favors
doesn’t say
you’ve seen
bad thing
see this good thing
when you see it
be smiling
was born in a refugee camp in Germany after the war. When I was 3 we came to the US and moved to
Chicago. Growing up in the tough
immigrant neighborhoods around Humboldt Park in Chicago, I met hardware store
clerks with Auschwitz tattoos on their wrists, Polish cavalry officers who
still mourned for their dead horses, and women who had walked from Siberia to
Iran to escape the Russians. In much of my work, I try to remember and honor
the experiences and ultimate strength of these survivors.
You can also find me on twitter and facebook.
001 December 29, 2017
Berdeshevksy’s “12-24”
002 January 08, 2018
Rhone Fancher’s “82 Miles From the Beach, We Order The Lobster At Clear Lake
003 January 12, 2018
Crooker’s “Orange”
004 January 22, 2018
Saikaley’s “Modern Matsushima”
005 January 29, 2018
Foos’s “Side Yard”
006 February 03, 2018
Sundwall’s “The Ringmaster”
007 February 09, 2018
Newman’s “That Night”
008 February 17, 2018
Rhone Fancher “June Fairchild Isn’t Dead”
009 February 24, 2018
Clifford Brooks III “The Gift of the Year With Granny”
010 March 03, 2018
Thomas Outlar’s “The Natural Reflection of Your Palms”
011 March 10, 2018
Francesca Jenkins’s “After Diane Beatty’s Photograph “History Abandoned”
012 March 17, 2018
Narciso Torres’s “What I Learned This Week”
013 March 24, 2018
Steckel’s “Holiday On ICE”
014 March 31, 2018
Honjo’s “Colors”
015 April 14, 2018
Kallett’s “Ode to Disappointment”
016 April 27, 2018
Copeland’s “Reliquary”
017 May 12, 2018
L Fick’s “The Swallows of Barcelona”
018 May 25, 2018
019 June 09, 2018
Rhone Fancher’s “Stiletto Killer. . . A Surmise”
020 June 16, 2018
Rammelkamp’s “At Last I Can Start Suffering”
021 July 05, 2018
Shaw O’Neill’s “Wind Chimes”
022 July 13, 2018
Julia Gordon-Bramer’s
“Studying Ariel”
023 July 20, 2018
Bill Yarrow’s “Jesus
024 July 27, 2018
Telaina Eriksen’s “Brag
025 August 01, 2018
Seth Berg’s “It is only
Yourself that Bends – so Wake up!”
026 August 07, 2018
David Herrle’s “Devil In
the Details”
027 August 13, 2018
Gloria Mindock’s “Carmen
Polo, Lady Necklaces, 2017”
028 August 21, 2018
Connie Post’s “Two
029 August 30, 2018
Mary Harwell Sayler’s
“Faces in a Crowd”
030 September 16, 2018
Larry Jaffe’s “The
Risking Point”
031 September 24,
Mark Lee Webb’s “After
We Drove”
032 October 04, 2018
Melissa Studdard’s
033 October 13, 2018
Robert Craven’s “I Have
A Bass Guitar Called Vanessa”
034 October 17, 2018
David Sullivan’s “Paper Mache
Peaches of Heaven”
035 October 23, 2018
Timothy Gager’s
036 October 30, 2018
Gary Glauber’s “The
Second Breakfast”
037 November 04, 2018
Heather Forbes-McKeon’s
“Melania’s Deaf Tone Jacket”
038 November 11, 2018
Andrena Zawinski’s
“Women of the Fields”
039 November 00, 2018
Gordon Hilger’s “Poe”
040 November 16, 2018
Rita Quillen’s “My
Children Question Me About Poetry” and “Deathbed Dreams”
041 November 20, 2018
Jonathan Kevin Rice’s
“Dog Sitting”
042 November 22, 2018
Haroldo Barbosa Filho’s
043 November 27, 2018
Megan Merchant’s “Grief Flowers”
044 November 30, 2018
Jonathan P Taylor’s
“This poem is too neat”
045 December 03, 2018
Ian Haight’s “Sungmyo
for our Dead Father-in-Law”
046 December 06, 2018
Nancy Dafoe’s “Poem in
the Throat”
047 December 11, 2018
Jeffrey Pearson’s “Memorial
048 December 14, 2018
Frank Paino’s “Laika”
049 December 15, 2018
Jennifer Martelli’s
O50 December 19, 2018
Joseph Ross’s “For Gilberto Ramos, 15, Who Died in
the Texas Desert, June 2014”
051 December 23, 2018
“The Persistence of
by Anatoly Molotkov
052 December 27, 2018
“Under Surveillance”
by Michael Farry
053 December 28, 2018
“Grand Finale”
by Renuka Raghavan
054 December 29, 2018
by Gene Barry
055 January 2, 2019
by Larissa Shmailo
056 January 7, 2019
“The Seamstress:
by Len Kuntz
057 January 10, 2019
"Natural History"
by Camille T Dungy
058 January 11, 2019
by Brian Burmeister
059 January 12, 2019
by Clint Margrave
060 January 14, 2019
by Pat Durmon
061 January 19, 2019
“Neptune’s Choir”
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062 January 22, 2019
“Views From the
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063 January 25, 2019
“The heron leaves her
haunts in the marsh”
by Gail Wronsky
064 January 30, 2019
by Terry Lucas
065 February 02, 2019
“Summer 1970, The
University of Virginia Opens to Women in the Fall”
by Alarie Tennille
066 February 05, 2019
“At School They Learn
by Patrick Bizzaro
067 February 06, 2019
“I Must Not Breathe”
by Angela Jackson-Brown
068 February 11, 2019
“Lunch on City Island,
Early June”
by Christine Potter
069 February 12, 2019
by Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum
070 February 14, 2019
“Daily Commute”
by Christopher P. Locke
071 February 18, 2019
“How Silent The Trees”
by Wyn Cooper
072 February 20, 2019
“A New Psalm
of Montreal”
by Sheenagh Pugh
073 February 23, 2019
“Make Me A
by Amy Barbera
074 February 26, 2019
by Sandy Coomer
075 March 4, 2019
“Shape of a Violin”
by Kelly Powell
076 March 5, 2019
“Inward Oracle”
by J.P. Dancing Bear
077 March 7, 2019
“I Broke
My Bust Of Jesus”
by Susan Sundwall
078 March 9, 2019
“My Mother
at 19”
by John Guzlowski
Excellent post. I've seen a few of John's poems and loved them - it's fascinating to hear the reality underpinning them.